Divorce Mediation

Kansas Divorce Mediation Attorneys

When you imagine a divorce, you might imagine an aggressive and emotional courtroom battle. However, this is not the case for many divorcing couples in Kansas. This is because there are other options to resolve a divorce that do not involve costly and stressful litigation.

One common option that spouses can pursue is mediation. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method that can prevent litigation if successful. It can save you time and money, and often, mediation can help preserve your post-divorce relationship.

If you want creative and cost-effective solutions for your divorce, never hesitate to consult with our team at Vinton | Moore. Our Kansas divorce attorneys know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to divorce cases, and we seek the best path and outcome for each client.

How Divorce Mediation Works

Divorce requires you and your spouse to agree on property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. If you cannot agree on one or more issues, you might have to bring the matter before the court for the judge to decide. Litigation is costly and stressful, so you want to avoid it whenever possible.

One way to avoid litigation and to reduce costs is through mediation. Mediation is a wonderful process as it allows the two of you to sit down (together) and agree upon the terms of settlement. As we are attorneys, we can prepare all the documents necessary to file and finalize the divorce.

The main difference in mediation vs. divorce representation is that if we serve as a mediator, we are not “your” attorney and we are not “your spouse’s” attorney – we are a neutral third-party mediator hired to assist the two of you in coming up with a resolution. As we are attorneys, we can let the two of you know what we think a judge will do in a scenario, however, this is offered not as legal advice but as knowledge to assist the two of you in settlement.

Typically, we will do three two-hour mediation sessions, although on occasion we finish in two sessions. At the first session, we file the initial divorce paperwork (to start the mandatory 60-day waiting period) and generally, we will be able to finalize the divorce after 60 days (from the date of our first mediation session when we will file the initial paperwork).

Our mediation services can help you and your spouse finalize the divorce quickly and efficiently. Divorce is never easy; however, by working with each other with our help, you are controlling the process. In mediation, we can be extremely creative – coming up with solutions that take your family’s individual needs into consideration. Learn more about our mediation services by reaching out to our office today.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

The following are only some reasons why mediation might be an important option to consider for your divorce:

Consult with Our Kansas Divorce Mediation Lawyers About Your Options

If you are wondering about divorce mediation in Kansas, look no further than Vinton | Moore. Contact us to set up a consultation and discuss your options for your divorce case or mediation needs.

The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Nothing in this website establishes an attorney-client relationship between Valerie L. Moore or Amy Vinton and the viewer.